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Association Documents

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VHDPA Forms & other documents

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VHDPA Submissions

Submissions made by the Association in response to Public Enquiries, Consultations, etc

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Annual Report

Village of Hall and District Annual Report 2007-2008

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ACT Government documents

Copies of ACT Government document of various sorts - calls for submissions, terms of reference for inquiries, reports, etc

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Hall School site documents

Documents pertaining to the closure of Hall Primary School and subsequent developments.

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About Hall

Useful information about the village and district of Hall

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Hall Men's Shed

Information brochure about the Village of Hall and District Men's Shed

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Planning and Development

Documents associated with the Hall Precinct Code and other provisions affecting planning and development in Hall

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Hall and district event information

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Audio Files

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Museum documents

Documents relating to School Museum

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Hall Village Community Fire Unit

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Tony Morris

documents relating to the Pavilion, including licence agreement

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Books and Publications

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Documents and agenda items related to the annual general meeting of the VHDPA, held 15 August 2018

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Reports for tabling at VHDPA AGM 2019

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2020 Yerrabi MLA Responses to VHDPA

In July 2020, the Village of Hall and District Press Association asked each MLA in the ACT electorate of Yerrabi, and the leader of the ACT Greens, a number of questions with respect to the priority concerns of Hall village. The responses received are filed here.

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Documents of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association

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Documents for the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association Inc

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2021 Yass Valley Candidate Responses to Mount Spring Association

With the upcoming NSW local government election of Yass Valley Council, the Mount Spring Association has contacted all candidates to determine their responses to a number of concerns of the peri-urban community of Nanima, Spring Range and Wallaroo. These are the responses from the candidates.

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Documents for the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association

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2023 Southwell Family Society

documents related to the transfer of surplus assets on the wind up of the Southwell Family Society to the VHDPA

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Documents for the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association

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2024 Yerrabi Election Candidate Responses to VHDPA

In June 2024, the Village of Hall and District Press Association Committee asked ACT Labor, ACT Greens, Canberra Liberals and Independents for Canberra a number of questions with respect to the priority concerns of Hall village. The responses received are filed here.

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