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Hall Pavilion Availability - Week 13, 2025

The Hall Pavilion is in a residential area. In order to protect the quiet enjoyment rights of nearby residents, regretfully no 16th to 21st birthdays, school or college party bookings will be accepted, and all hirers must accept the hire conditions set out below.

Booking Calendar

Instructions: Navigate to the week/day you want to book and click the associated [Book Now] button. Please also be aware of the Hire Conditions outlined below before continuing.

Week starting:

9am – 10am
10am – 11am
11am – 12pm
12pm – 1pm
1pm – 2pm
2pm – 3pm
3pm – 4pm
4pm – 5pm
5pm – 6pm
6pm – 7pm
7pm – 8pm
8pm – 9pm
9pm – 10pm
10pm – 11pm

6PM - 8PM

10AM - 12PM

9AM - 11PM

• For a weekend block booking (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) click "Book Now" on the Friday.

Hire Conditions

The Hirer agrees to use the Hall Pavilion (a non-smoking venue) subject to the following conditions:


We provide Pavilion Hire details to ACT Police. Please make appropriate security arrangements, and provision for travel home if alcohol is being served.

< Hall Pavilion Hire Information