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Arts boost for Hall

1 April 2010

A striking new art installation – 'Pipe Dreaming', by installation artist Wilfred Anker – was recently added to the Hall Nature Reserve. ACT Culture and Arts Officer Ann Lark tells us that this is the third of Anker's works to be placed around the ACT.

President of the Progress Association Alastair Crombie says he is delighted to have the Reserve used to showcase major art works, although he was taken by surprise when he first saw 'Pipe Dreaming'.

Residents are advised that other sites around the village have been identified for works of art, including a bust of Henry Hall to be located at a prominent site in Victoria Street. Henry Hall established the property 'Charnwood', and the village was named after him in 1882.

Installation artist Wilfred Anker hopes that 'Pipe Dreaming' will "stimulate imaginative wonderings about origins, passages and purpose". He has worked extensively with poly pipe in many important public buildings, as well as beach settings.

Locals are invited to have your say about Anker's work, and to nominate other places in and around the village suitable for installation art works. This major public art program of the ACT Government is generously sponsored by Telstra, and the Government is keen to commission more works.

First, though, they are waiting to see what sort of reception 'Pipe Dreaming' gets. Make your voices heard!

Pipe Dreaming

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