A request for Community help
25 August 2010

A letter from Rotarian Tamara Arnold:
I would appreciate if you could spread the word in relation to a rather large Community Service project that The Rotary Club of Hall is undertaking. It would be great if the Hall community would like to get their hands dirty alongside the members of the club. We may also contact a school group to assist.
Last year we researched uplifting the bulbs from Floriade and transporting them to VIC, however it was determined that it was too soon for these people to be thinking about their gardens as many had just begun the rebuilding of their houses. This year we have been in touch with our fellow VIC Rotarians and now the bulbs would be gratefully accepted. It is important for these people to know we are still thinking of them.
It is not an easy or small task we have set, as we will need many hands on deck to dig and re-pot the bulbs, as this time of year is not the right time to uplift the plants. We will only have a 1 day window to achieve this. Monday 11 October 2010 from 8am-3pm is the only time we, and many other community organisations will have access to the Floriade site. As part of an agreement between Floriade and Australian Capital Tourism, the soil belongs to the provider and can not be removed with the bulbs.
Our research has told us to focus on the Iris and Daffodil family as they have the greater chance of survival.
We will be in need of volunteers and/or donations of potting mix and plastic pots. Perhaps those that can't dig but would like to donate soil or pots could leave these items for me to collect at an address in Hall or items can be dropped to my Kaveneys Rd property.
I just drove through these burn areas last month and I am unsure how anyone at all survived. It really is such dense and beautiful countryside. I will be digging on the day – I will be thinking of the Canberra fires when my Dad and I were side by side on his roof in Kambah putting out embers, where houses a few doors down were lost.
Any questions and volunteer registration can be directed to me –
Kind regards,
Tamara Arnold
Dirt Music Farm
343 Kaveneys Rd (Off Barton Highway)
NSW 2582
PO Box 378
ACT 2618
Ph 0418 293 273