Hall Carols at the Christmas tree - and Santa!
6 January 2008

Hall Village and District residents came together in impressive numbers to celebrate the lighting of the community Christmas Tree on Saturday 15th December 2007. Every one tucked in to help, gave a smile and their time to share the Christmas spirit with their neighbours. Over 140 children received a gift from a very busy Santa. Laughter and delight filled the air. Our wonderful church congregations gave their support with St Francis Xavier represented by Andrew Linacre who lead us in song. Thank you Andrew for carrying out your role with flair and patience as the Santa presentations went much longer than programmed. Thank you to Bernie Rodgers from Wattle Park Uniting Church and Bronwyn Septut from St Michael & All Angels. A happy new year to you all. Our famous Hall Village Brass Band played and played to everyone's delight. What a great atmosphere they create, what fabulous ambassadors with their traditional red uniforms they are!
The master of ceremonies was Jannine Yokom. Jannine's professionalism insured that Santa's gift presentations was a joyful, happy event. Hall Rural 'Fireies' cooked up a delicious sausage sizzle welcomed by all. Santa ordered a pizza - deep and crisp and even. New-comers to Hall, Trudy and Gavin Mansfield festooned their Gladstone Street home with Xmas lights. Huge thanks to Trudy and Gavin for their donation to help defray the costs of organising our Xmas get together. Hall School P&C group as always, were involved in making our celebrations inclusive and rewarding. Thank you to Mary Ann Harris and Penny for putting together the very generous Xmas Hamper donated by the Rotary Club of Hall. The hamper was happily won by Anna Sheargold. Alison of 'Endless Beauty', our newest business, donated two amazing beauty pack prizes. Big 'thank you - and welcome!
How could we have Xmas without a tree? Roger Ball not only donated a bonza tree but also hand painted a container, while Shaun O'Connor directed the lighting and electricials. A huge thank you to Allyson of the Wood Duck Inn, and Colleen of the Gum Nut Cafe for being the epicentre of activities. Allyson was fantastic in her efforts on our behalf. There was street closures and security to organise, insurances, tarpaulins to erect, amplifiers to install, lighting, seating, signage, and advertising. Thanks to Tam at the General Store for help with the gift registrations.
The weather had to be arranged; wasn't it great? Just as we ordered. The first Xmas in six years not in drought. Didn't the Oval look a picture? The laughter of children everywhere. We have to mention the army of Elves and Pixies who at short notice rushed to help Santa behind the scenes as huge amounts of extra presents arrived unscheduled. Thank you all, especially of course Santa, who tirelessly brought happiness and delight to the children of our community. Finally congratulations to the Hall Community for your willingness to participate and share your prosperity and good will with others in our community.
[Story and photo contributed by Bob Richardson]