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Young people - old school

30 March 2011

The School Centenary was previewed today when heritage-attired pre-schoolers went to the original 1911 school for lessons. Adding to the atmosphere was Kingsley Southwell's magnificent 1911 Renault, and members of the Bush Dancing Display Group.

The occasion was an opportunity for the media to learn about what is planned for the Centenary weekend of April 16-17th Also in attendance to talk with media representatives were Elizabeth Burness, story teller and local historian, and John Thompson, grandson of the first Teacher-in-Charge at Hall, Charles W Thompson.

John Thompson brought with him some magnificent items of memorabilia, including the illuminated address present to his grandfather on retirement in 1933, gifts presented to Charles and Matilda, his wife, by the Ginninderra Farmers Union, and a letter of appreciation from 'Babe' Curran, of 'Deasland'. These items will be on display as part of the Centenary exhibition 'Yesterday's Hall and School'. Kingsley and Cynthia Southwell have also very kindly lent a number of heritage household items for the exhibition.

Exhibition 'curators', Phil Robson and his wife Yvonne, are making excellent progress in putting the exhibition together. They would still welcome offers of items of historical interest relating to the village, or to the school - artefacts, documents, or photographs. safe keeping and prompt return is assured!

Both the special exhibition, and the school Museum will be open on the Saturday and Sunday, 10.00 - 4.00 pm. Entry is free, but there will be a box for donations.

[contact Phil Robson on 62595221 or 0408 259 946 email: ]

Centenary sampler

Hall School Centenary »

« Thank you Elaine