Thank you local businesses!
11 August 2011

There was a healthy gathering of members at the Progress Association AGM on Wednesday evening. The Association is in its 107th year - most likely the oldest voluntary association in the ACT.
President Alastair Crombie gave a summary of the years work, which was dominated by the Hall School Centenary. The Association is in a healthy financial state, as a result particularly of increases in hire of the Pavilion since the refurbishment completed last year.
Special mention was made of the very substantial contributions that Hall and district businesses make to the community. In addition to their generous contributions to our various sporting organisations, and special events such as the Sheep Dog Trials, local businesses take advertising in the 'Rural Fringe', or take pages on the community website.
The Association is particularly grateful to the village's 'retail' enterprises which continue to generously assist us in promoting events. This year the General Store, Gumnut Cafe and Wood Duck Inn have also helped us by selling copies of 'Hall Stories'.
Alastair Crombie was re-elected as President. Jo Hall, Helen White and Brian Banyard, who stood aside. were warmly thanked for their valuable contributions. Pierre Dragh and Paul Porteous were welcomed as new members of the Committee. Judy Roberts was elected to the position of Secretary, and John Starr is the new Treasurer.
If you have not joined up, please do so. Membership forms are available in the shop at the Post Office counter (thanks Gavin and Trudy!), together with a 'ballot box' where you can drop your form and subs of $10.