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Mining in the back yard?

23 May 2012

Many local residents will have read the recent Canberra Times article about a mining exploration application in relation to the area just north of the ACT border. According to the Times:

"A company called CGNM Resources has applied to the NSW Government for an exploration licence to cover an area of about 200 square kilometres stretching from the northern border of the ACT near the new suburbs of Gungahlin towards Spring Range and Nanima.

Company spokeswoman Shao Qing said it wanted to look for copper and gold in the area. The company also had licences in the Broken Hill area of NSW".[Canberra Times 19 May 2012)

The application covers a large area and a substantial population. For those interested in a more detailed look at the area which is subject to the application, you can download a map here

A public notice concerning the application states that information regarding the exploration licence and landholder's rights are available from the NSW Government website Information regarding the exploration application can be obtained from Shao Qing, CGNM Resources Pty Ltd, Phone 0466 963 357

We will give further information if and when it comes to hand.

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