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Mining exploration - Update

25 June 2012

The Mt Spring Association Inc, held its AGM and a General Meeting at Poachers' Pantry on Wednesday 20 June. The meeting was well attended by over thirty-five residents and neighbours of the Mt Spring vicinity.

The main topic of discussion was the proposed application for mining exploration leases in the area. Concern for such an activity in our rural area was strongly expressed. It was reported that mining exploration rights had already been granted adjoining our area to the north west of Nanima Road through Murrumbateman and toward Yass.

Residents were advised to take a firm stand against the mining companies although they were also informed that, if signs of good mineral deposits were found (or suspected to be found) and prices of these minerals were forecast to remain high, then the likelihood of full scale mining in the area was close to inevitable.

Taking a firm stand against the mining companies would be beneficial in either of two ways: one, the mining company would go away (which is preferred); two, if they were determined to proceed, then the financial inducements offered would be far greater than a passive stance would produce. It was also said that it would take some ten years or more, for actual mining to start to happen, bearing in mind the processes and procedures involved.

The residents agreed on an initial plan of action, including company searches, research and making contact with the relevant people. The majority joined or renewed membership in the Association and "Lock the Gate" signs were taken by most.

We will keep you informed of any further developments.

Phil Peelgrane
For Mt Spring Association Inc.

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