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More Sad News

24 September 2012

Over the last two weeks Hall has suffered the loss of two people long associated with the Village.

Former Hall resident Hans Klefisch passed away 2 weeks ago. Hans migrated from Germany in 1961. He built a house and settled in Alexandra Street for many years where his family grew up.

Hans was very much involved with the Hall Progress Association for many years and was integral in the start up and coordination of Neighbourhood Watch.

On Saturday evening, Jim Kroezen tragically died in a road accident.
Jim, with his wife Allyson, are the owners of Hall's pub, The Wood Duck Inn. Jim was a very popular character in the Hall community and will be sadly missed. I know that members of the Hall community will rally to support Allyson at this sad time.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Allyson and family.

Rural Fringe - October edition online »

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