Alpaca therapy
24 October 2012

Nils and Andronicus are sitting on the grass in a quiet, sunny , corner of Hall. Five year old Andronicus has a crook foot - ulcerated, and causing some grief - and had just paid a visit to Hall Vet Jan Spate.
Andronicus is one of three alpacas who share a home in Giralang with Nils and Linda Lantzke (and, at the moment, a poddy lamb). Nils has made a bit of a name for himself as 'dad' to Andronicus, Honeycomb and Marigold, and for his 'alpaca therapy' work in nursing homes, at the ACT hospice, and with families when invited along. His notoriety comes in part from the fact that Honeycomb used to be a regular passenger in his baby Mazda.
Nils, who has been a miner and a masseur in his time, undertook a Hospice and Palliative Care volunteer course in 1995, and has since spent a good deal of time and energy on his passion for 'pet therapy'. Nils says that that he would be happy to hear from Hall community families with a family member who is seriously ill or in palliative care who might like a visit from Marigold, Honeycomb or Andronicus. Nils does not charge for his time, but has made some inquiries in the past about finding a sponsor.
In our photo Nils is playing a 'Reverie Harp' to Andronicus - music therapy for a sick alpaca therapist?! Nils can be contacted on 6241 6757