Hall heading for Yerrabi?
18 April 2015

The ACT Legislative Assembly's electoral boundaries are being redrawn in preparation for the 15 October 2016 election. For the first time, the ACT is being divided into five electorates each returning five Members to the Legislative Assembly, with the total number of Members increasing from 17 to 25 at the 2016 election.
The ACT Redistribution Committee has announced its proposed redistribution of the ACT into five electorates to be named Brindabella, Ginninderra, Kurrajong, Murrumbidgee and Yerrabi. ACT residents have until 28th April to submit comments on the redistribution.
Under the proposed redistribution Hall would belong to the electorate of Yerrabi, comprising the districts of Gungahlin and Hall, and the Belconnen suburbs of Evatt, Giralang, Kaleen, Lawson and McKellar. Yerrabi Pond is one of the major water features of the Gungahlin district. 'Yerrabi' is derived from a local aboriginal word meaning 'go', 'walk' and 'to leave'
For the 2012 ACT Legislative Assembly election, Hall belonged to Ginninderra, a five member electorate comprising the districts of Belconnen and Hall and the Gungahlin suburbs of Nicholls, Crace and Palmerston.
In future the electorate of Ginninderra would consist of the district of Belconnen (excluding the suburbs of Evatt, Giralang, Kaleen, Lawson and McKellar).
In practical terms it would mean that the five MLA's with Hall in their electorate would have Gungahlin as their major area of responsibility, together with some east Belconnen suburbs.