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The Hall Tip

9 June 2015

Hall and the vicinity of the village gets at least its fair share of illegal rubbish dumping. The latest example, spotted on June 7th, is in the diversion channel at the top end of Alexandra Street. While there may be more heinous crimes, there is a special place in hell for those who use the public domain as their personal rubbish dump.

The good news is that it gets easier to report such matters to government. The 'Access Canberra' website has a 'Feedback' button for 'Enquiries, reports, complaints'. This takes you to a page listing every possible type of issue you might wish to report or complain about - including 'Litter and illegal dumping'. On this page there is a phone number, and also a means to report on-line. This allows you to attach documents if need be, and to pinpoint the location on google maps.

A report on this recent dumping was acknowledged within an hour, with thanks for sending the information and advising that it has been forwarded to ACT Rangers.

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