Blessing of the Animals
27 September 2015

In celebration of St Francis and his love for all creatures, you are invited to bring your beloved 'pets' to the St Barnabas Parish, Blessing of the Animals. The outdoor service will begin at 4:00pm, Sunday 27th September, at St Michael and All Angels, Hall (Corner of Victoria and Loftus Streets). Save the date!
'Pets' refer to all the living creatures — such as cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, fish, etc. There will be plenty of animals - so please bring an appropriate form of restraint (e.g. a cage or lead). If you are unable to bring your beloved pet with you, you may wish to bring a picture for a blessing.
The service will be followed by a 'Free Sausage Sizzle'.
If you would like further information please contact our Office Administrator Katrina on 0427 609 838.
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