Local bloke's Southern Cross safari
1 March 2016

Bruce Gall, some time resident of the Wallaroo district, and former Kakadu National Park superintendent, has spent nine years travelling Australia and is about to launch his 'safari' book. The book is an account of a meandering solo journey around Australia, based on visiting national parks and reserves, staying in hostels or pubs and using public transport as much as possible.
It explores most of the places you've ever wanted to visit. Go swag camping through Australia's ancient centre, explore Fraser Island's sandy landscapes, and find koalas on Kangaroo Island.
Learn about Aboriginal lifestyles and become familiar with early Dutch and French seafarers. Marvel at desert sunrises and ocean sunsets.
If you are interested to know more, you can find a review of the book by Ian Fraser., well known Canberra naturalist, broadcaster, natural history blogger and author.
You can also view on-line an excellent blog and 'photo-diary' - which Bruce calls a 'Trip Companion' - loaded with fine photos of the journey.
Envy is not an attractive quality, but Bruce's book and Trip Companion inspire lots of it.
[Southern Cross Safari, Around Australia by bus and train
By Bruce Gall. Redgum Publishing. $35].