Friends of Grassland - woodland-weeding at Hall Cemetery
21 February 2017

Hello for 2017. The FOG woodland-weeding work at Hall Cemetery will resume on Saturday 4 March 2017.
We'll start early at 08:30 to beat any heat and run for 2 hours approx.
The site is well and truly dried out now. Our work will focus on deseeding, bagging and then uprooting cleaned stems of troublesome seeding daisies - especially Prickly Lettuce everywhere and Spear Thistle in the rear woodland block. We might also try to collect seeds of Cleavers, although huge numbers of them have fallen. Main message - this is prickly unpleasant work and you will definitely need sturdy gloves and secateurs - please bring your own. I'll bring bags, also a couple of tools to prise out any stout stems. Long sleeves, trousers, sturdy boots, eye protection, hat,
sunblock will all be essential.
As always, FOG will provide a morning tea. To make sure I have catered enough, please let me know by Thursday 2nd March if you intend to come.
John Fitzgerald