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UPDATE - Hall break-ins

11 February 2008

Stuart Sampson of Vogue Constructions advises that those responsible for the break-in at his business (reported below) have been apprehended by police, and stolen computers recovered. Welcome news indeed, but does not overcome all the associated hassles.

Criminals were at work in the main street last night (Friday 8th February). Break-ins were attempted at Landmark and at Allan Golding Real Estate. Vogue Constructions was broken into and things were stolen. This follows a number of similar incidents over the past few months.

Allan Golding advises that this is the third time that his business has been the target of a break-in. Today he pointed out that when the power pole in front of his office was replaced, the street light that was on the old pole was not replaced. The Association will take this up as a matter of priority, and welcomes other suggestions about crime prevention.

The village used to have a Neighbourhood Watch group. The Association is keen to encourage and assist residents in keeping the village as safe and peaceful as it has ling been. We can now use this site to rapidly disseminate information about any incidents.

Residents are urged to take appropriate precautions, and provide any information that might be useful, to the police. If you have information or suggestions that you think could usefully be shared via this site with other residents and businesses in the village, please let us know.

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