Hall cleaned up
2 March 2008

Chalk another one up for the 'Bootstrap Brigade'. We have done out little bit for Clean Up Australia Day. Many thanks to Julie and Greg Welsh, Jo Hall and Rania, Helen White, Anna Xanthe, and Sidney Sheargold, Alastair Crombie, and Bob Richardson for hitting the streets of Hall on Sunday afternoon and picking up garbage. The crew agreed that Hall was not really in bad shape, rubbish wise, although there are areas around the showground and the park (where the school buses come and go) that had a fair bit of trash. There is also a 'dam wall' of rubbish under the bridge, brought down by the recent heavy rain.
Small groups of citizens getting out once a year is no substitute for us all being more careful about what we do with our rubbish every day of the year. Thanks and congratulations to all those residents who regularly pick up rubbish while they are out walking. Maybe more of us can take this simple step.