Under new management
20 November 2018

Life is not quite the same without a wave from Chris Coulton as we pass the Stockfeed shed on Gladstone Street - but we will soon be waving to Anna and Jacqui! Together with their partners Anthony and Greg, they have taken over the lease and the business and are raring to go.
Although some major changes to the building are already evident, in some respects it is 'business-as-usual'. Both families live on rural blocks - Anna and Anthony at Murrumbateman, Jacqui and Greg at Gundaroo - and have long experience as 'rural supplies' customers. They aim to carry on supplying the full spectrum of rural supplies to villagers and district land-holders, and are very happy to hear about particular requirements that they can meet. Their 'offer' includes hardware and equestrian accessories, as well as an extended range of stock feeds.
Opening hours are 8.00 am to 5.30 Monday to Friday, and 8.00 am to 3.00 pm on Saturdays. Make a diary note that they will be having an Open Day on Sunday February 3rd – the first Hall market day for 2019. More details later. Meanwhile drop in a say g'day. We wish them well.