St Michael and All Angels - Daily Worship On-line
6 May 2020

It is now possible every day Monday to Friday to connect, pray and worship with St Michael and All Angels and St Barnabas Anglican Parish. 10:00am Monday to Friday you can connect by 'phone on 02 8015 6011 or by Zoom with meeting ID and password 9551044551.
On Saturday at 10:00am is cafe connect when you can also join by 'phone on 02 8015 6011 or by Zoom with meeting ID and password 9551044551 for a chat.
Sunday worship services continue at 10:00am that you can join by 'phone on 02 8015 6011 or by Zoom with meeting ID and password 9551044551.
For further information, you can contact:
Katrina Morton on 02 6258 6088 or 0427 609 838
Reverend Emma Street on 0411 150 841
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