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Culture Trip identifies Kynefin Cafe as one of the Best Brunch Spots in Canberra

16 August 2020

After running a successful doughnut business, Bombolini Doughnuts (a staple at Canberra's Capital Region Farmers Market, Southisde Farmers Market, The Forage, Handmade Markets and more); UK expat, owner/chef Geoff and partner Kate searched for the perfect location for a cafe where Geoff could create a menu honouring his Celtic roots.

Kynefin is open from 7:00am to around 4:00pm Tuesday to Saturday and Sunday 8:00am to around 4:00pm.

Culture Trip has identified Kynefin Cafe as one of the best brunch spots in Canberra:

Hall has three great places to eat and have coffee: Kynefin; Daughters@Hall; and 1882.

More information on Kynefin

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