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Gladstone Street Park Upgrade Group

21 October 2020

Following the unsuccessful grant application to the ACT government Nature Play Grants program for upgrade to the Gladstone Street park as consistent with the plan approved through community consultation and Transport Canberra and City Services, a volunteer group has been set-up by Graeme Bryce under the auspices of TCCS, Urban Parks and Places to do the work required, with the funds contributed by attendees at the Hall Ball in 2016.

The volunteer group had a number of meetings with representatives from ACT Government Urban Parks & Places and their various specialists, to work out the best way to achieve the plan approved by the Heritage Council.

Over the next six months the volunteer group hope to establish some of the elements of the approved plan.

The volunteer group has already created a handball court, on an existing concrete slab, and have ordered a "spider-web" climbing rope, which they hope to install before Christmas.

The pile of tree butts in the park will be used as part of the upgrade.

2020 - 2021 Office Bearers and Committee elected at AGM »

« 21st October - Annual General Meeting - Village of Hall and District Progress Association