Initial work on Barton Highway Upgrade - Major Work to Start February 2021
29 January 2021

Initial duplication work is beginning on the Barton Highway from the ACT border towards Murrumbateman. The initial duplication section is expected to reach Kaveneys Road and includes an intersection upgrade at Kaveneys Road.
From mid-January 2021 the following activities will progressively commence on site:
- Establishing temporary site compounds and storage areas
- Demolition of Dellwood Homestead
- Installing temporary construction signage and safety barriers
- Speed limit reduced to 80 km/h within the work area from late January
- Removing the rest area at the NSW/ACT border and temporarily closing the rest area 500 metres south of Nanima Road
- Installing boundary fencing and temporary fencing around work areas
- Removing vegetation and trees within the work area
- Setting up water quality basins, dust measuring monitors and sediment control fencing to reduce environmental impacts.
Work hours will be between 7am and 6pm from Monday to Friday and 8am and 1pm Saturday, excluding public holidays, weather permitting. There may be some work required at night in some locations to reduce impacts on traffic flow. Nearby residents and the community will be notified in advance of this work.
Major construction work will start in February 2021, with the project expected to be completed in the second half of 2023.
There will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the work zone is safe.
Traffic changes:
Property owners accessing their driveway from Barton Highway are reminded that entry into their property will remain unchanged, except during times when work is being carried out on the road in front of their properties.
Property owners accessing Barton Highway from their driveway are asked to please wait in their driveway until traffic is visible and safe passage is available before driving on to the road.
Please keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and signs.
For the latest traffic updates, you can call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App.