Volunteers Needed to Manage the Hall Pavilion and Cottage
21 June 2021

The Progress Association Committee is seeking volunteers to undertake the management of the Hall Pavilion and the Headmaster's Cottage at the Hall School site, to allow the continued availability to local organisations and paying hirers.
To share the workload, tasks could be divided into three distinct areas of responsibility: Pavilion Booking and Access; Building Management and Maintenance; Cottage Management.
A condensed list of responsibilities, are as follows.
1. Pavilion Booking and Access
Monitor the on-line booking system.
Distribute and track all keys.
Answer enquiries.
Inspect after hiring for cleanliness, breakages etc.
Refund Bond monies if all hire conditions are met.
Arrange inspections of facility and equipment as requested.
Re-book hire date and transfer deposit money manually as required.
2. Building Management and Maintenance
Liaise with paid cleaner for weekly service.
Check hopper and phone for collection as required.
Check toilets, floors, kitchen etc between hirings in the same week.
Purchase consumables eg toilet paper, hand towel, liquid soap, sanitiser.
Sweep verandahs, de-cobweb etc prior to major functions eg weddings.
Arrange repair or replacement of broken equipment.
Clean storerooms when needed.
3. Cottage Management
Receive and record bookings.
Check payment has been made prior to use.
Arrange inspections and answer enquiries.
Weekly cleaning of toilets, kitchen and floors.
Purchase bin liners, cleaning agents etc. Wash tea-towels weekly.
Re-stock consumables.
Sweep verandahs, remove cobwebs regularly.
Arrange commercial carpet cleaning annually.
The Pavilion and Cottage are not only essential facilities for Village and District activities, the revenue from hiring out these facilities is the primary income source for the Progress Association to cover costs such as facilities maintenance, insurances for the Association, Collectors' Club, Men's Shed and Museum, and other community activities.
Those interested in assisting should email or contact any member of the Progress Association Committee.
Full orientation will be given to interested volunteers.
The Progress Association would like to express the deepest appreciation to Tony and Margaret Morris who have faithfully managed these facilities on behalf of the community for decades.
« Pavilion Rehabilitation Funded by the Stronger Communities Program