Watching our environment - Waterwatch
27 June 2008

Waterwatch and Frogwatch Coordinator Dr Beth Mantle attended our latest committee meeting to brief us on these two important environmental monitoring programs
What is Waterwatch?
Waterwatch is a community water quality monitoring program that encourages all Australians to become involved and active in the protection and management of their waterways and catchments. Waterwatch engages and supports local community groups, residents, schools and landowners to regularly monitor the water quality of local creeks, wetlands, lakes, rivers and drainage lines.
Why Monitor Water Quality?
Healthy catchments produce healthy ecosystems with happy fish, frogs, birds, plants, macro-invertebrates and people. Waterwatch aims to create awareness of water quality and catchment management issues by involving all members of the community and by forming partnerships with water and resource management authorities, business and industry.
Making a Difference!
Water quality information collected throughout a catchment provides a picture of the health of our waterways. Waterwatch groups have initiated many positive, community based conservation activities such as creek restoration, willow removal, removing litter from waterways, eradicating weeds, development of habitats, and reducing the use of pesticides and other pollutants. Many Waterwatch participants are also associated with various other ACT environmental groups who undertake these activities. It's rewarding, fun and you can make some great friends.
Become a Waterwatcher!
You can contribute to Waterwatch activities through a number of programs, including monthly monitoring or biannual bug snapshots. From time to time we also require volunteer assistance to do data entry, data analysis or other research or administrative tasks. We also encourage participation from school and community groups for either one-off activities or long-term projects. For more information about becoming a Waterwatch volunteer, please contact the Waterwatch Coordinator* or call (02) 6278 3309.