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National Tree Day in Hall

27 July 2008

A colourful army assembled in the chill of Sunday morning to mark National Tree Day in Hall. AS a result a hundred more trees have started the adventure of life on the banks of Halls creek - many of them planted by children little taller that than the trees! Well done and thank you to all who took part.

As ever, a lot of the organisation was done by Bob Richardson and Helen White, coordinators for the Progress Association's 'Bootstrap Brigade'. We were again assisted by the Ginninderra Catchment Group in sourcing stock, and it was a great pleasure that Julie Palmer from GCG was able to join us.

Most of the planting was done in the rips created earlier by John Starr, now beautifully full of moisture. Thanks John, and to Andy Fulton for again providing water. The planting was followed by tea and treats in the Pavilion.

A challenge now will be to get all these new trees well mulched before the hot weather arrives. If you can help us with this task please let Bob know (6230 2134).

National Tree Day in Hall

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