Jim Rochford - Ninety five not out
10 August 2008

Hall and district residents may like to join us in wishing Jim Rochford a very happy ninety fifth birthday. Jim was born at Jeir on the 10th August 1913 - thus sharing his birthday with the Australian Capital Territory.
Jim has lived in Hall and district for all his life, and played an active and effective role in the development of the village over many years. After the second World War Jim acquired and developed his property 'Dunleary' down towards the Murrumbidgee River.
We understand there was a quiet birthday dinner and a mention from the altar in church on his birthday - before Jim took off for the coast, and with luck, warmer weather!
Very best wishes from all your Hall and district friends and neighbours Jim!
Photo: Jim makes a point as he shares his knowledge about Hall Village at a Rotary meeting this year.