Buses - Action at last?!
22 August 2008

Our picture shows an ACTION bus at the new bus stop in Hoskins Street - just in front of the Crombies and Spates.
In your dreams! However, some residents will have noticed the Canberra Times story about Transborder being taken over by Deanes Buslines of Queanbeyan.
This gives Deanes a fleet of about 120 vehicles.and they now plan to build a '"fully integrated regional bus network in the Canberra and south-east NSW region". The article went on to say:
"Before any alterations to existing services from Yass were made, a survey of residents in the Yass Valley Council area and Hall would be conducted, seeking their suggestions and ideas'. The Progress Association has contacted Deanes to let them know we would be keen to assist in any consultation they plan to undertake. Watch this space.