Storm Water Drainage and Laneway Erosion
6 February 2022

The issues of storm water drainage and erosion of the Hall Village laneways is a perennial problem that has been neglected by the ACT government for 20 years.
The much wetter than normal 2020 and 2021 La Nina seasons have greatly exacerbated the issues of storm water drainage and again highlighted the need for urgent attention. Towards the end of 2021, the Progress Association arranged for clearing of some storm water drains and pipes but an overall plan to address storm water drainage is needed.
A request for urgent attention has been made to Minister Steel to arrange for the relevant ACT government authority to work with the Progress Association on the assessment, design and completion of appropriate works on storm water infrastructure, particularly in the laneways, of Hall Village consistent with the Hall Precinct Code. All Yerrabi MLAs have been asked for their support to address storm water drainage.
To date, MLAs Andrew Braddock, Leanne Castley, James Milligan and Michael Pettersson have all responded with their support. The Progress Association has had discussions with Leanne Castley and James Milligan on a plan of action to have this critical issue addressed.