Businesses, Rate Payers, Residents and other Stakeholders are invited to have their say on Yass Valley Council Plans
19 May 2022

Nanima, Spring Range and Wallaroo Businesses, Rate Payers, Residents and other Stakeholders are invited to have your say on Yass Valley Council Draft Integrated Planning and Reporting Documents.
Do you want to know which projects are occurring in your town or village over the next 12 months? Do you want to know why one project takes priority over another, or why one road is being sealed but another road isn't?
It's important for residents to understand and play a part in Yass Valley Council's Draft Integrated Planning and Reporting Documents, which include the proposed budget, rates, fees and charges, projects and programs for the 2022/23 period.
These documents are on public exhibition between now and 5:00 pm on Monday, 6 June and include the:
• Draft 2022-23 Operational Plan
• Draft 2022-32 Long Term Financial Plan
• Draft 2022-26 Delivery Program
• Draft 2022-23 Revenue Statement
• Draft 2022-26 Workforce Management Plan
• Draft 2022 Asset Management Strategy and Asset Plans
The community can have its say on these documents by providing written feedback, attending the Yass Valley Council's Community Roadshows between 17 May-1 June, or emailing . During these dates, Council's Executive Management Team and Councillors will visit each of the towns and villages to present the proposed documents.
"We are thrilled to be able to hit the road again after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19," said Yass Valley Mayor Allan McGrath.
"The Community Roadshows allow us to present these important documents and hear directly from residents. Their engagement, feedback and suggestions are extremely important as these documents are ultimately shaped by the community."
Hard copies of these documents are available to view at Yass Valley Library (behind Yass Soldiers' Memorial Hall) and Council's Administration Office (209 Comur Street, Yass). Please call or email before visiting to ensure the documents are available:
• Yass Valley Library – 02 6226 1305 or
• Yass Valley Council – 02 6226 1477 or
To provide a written submission, you can:
• Complete the Yass Valley Council online form;
• Post your submission to PO Box 6, Yass, NSW 2582; or
• Email
Find your local community engagement session
Find out more about these documents from Council's Executive Management Team and Councillors at the following sessions:
• Yass Valley Business Chamber and businesses – 6-7:30 pm – Tuesday, 17 May (Council Chambers or online)
• Bowning Hotel – 7-8:00 pm – Wednesday, 18 May
• Sutton Hall – 6-7:30 pm – Thursday, 19 May
• Gundaroo Hall – 6.30-7:30 pm – Wednesday, 25 May
• Murrumbateman Markets – 8:30 am-2:30 pm – Saturday, 28 May
• Binalong Hall – 6-7:30 pm – Wednesday, 1 June