Have Your Say about the Hall Reserve
22 June 2022

Over the last six months, the Progress Association Committee has been preparing for a Village Work Day to begin clearing the unkempt state of the Hall Reserve where dead foliage and undergrowth presents a somewhat neglected landscape in the heart of the village.
On Sunday 19 June, 31 volunteers from Hall came together and did a truly amazing job of clearing undergrowth, trimming trees and removing dead foliage. These efforts were further fuelled by a warming sausage sizzle.
Volunteers are continuing to remove a number of massive piles of green waste. If you have a spare hour, please bring your trailer, ute or truck and take a load to the Belconnen green waste depot.
The Progress Association Committee is seeking your views on the Hall Reserve. You can print a copy of the survey at www.hall.act.au/file-preview.html?dboid=7130. You can deliver your completed survey to PO Box 43 Hall ACT 2618, to Olga Minion at the Hall School Museum and Heritage Centre or to Robert Yallop at 35 Victoria St Hall.
If you wish to complete the survey on-line, you can do so at www.surveymonkey.com/r/FTLYM6Q?fbclid=IwAR0dr9O2FB_XpHyzAqc4KJR0K0FuOE3eykKWbgDGdbcxw3QU7-49xPFP16A
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