Updated Information on Wallaroo Solar Installation
18 November 2022

The Wallaroo Solar installation is a joint venture project being proposed by New Energy Development and Univergy International.
The overall site for Wallaroo Solar installation is approximately 391 hectares with the solar array proposed to occupy approximately 209 hectares.
The installation will include hundreds of solar panels and 16 large batteries.
The Environmental Impact Statement for the project has been completed and is currently under final review.
Due to Christmas time fast approaching, the project will not be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment until early next year. It is expected that the project will go on exhibition towards the end of January 2023 pp.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/projects/wallaroo-solar-farm.
Wallaroo Solar Farm will be holding further community consultation days once the project is on exhibition. The aim of this will be to consult further with the community regarding any concerns they have once all the information in the EIS is publicly available. The dates for these consultation days will be confirmed once the exhibition dates are confirmed.
Ben Cranston is encouraging people with questions about thew project to contact him at .