Wallaroo Solar Installation
4 January 2023

The Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Wallaroo Solar Installation has been completed and currently under final review.
The project will be submitted for approval to the Department of Planning and Environment early in 2023 and is expected to go on exhibition towards the end of January 2023.
Wallaroo Solar Farm will be holding further community consultation days once the project is on exhibition. The aim of this will be to consult further with the community regarding any concerns they have once all the information in the Environmental Impact Statement is publicly available. The dates for these consultation days will be confirmed on confirmation of the exhibition dates.
Anyone seeking further information on the project should contact Ben Cranston via phone on 0474925207 or email at .
The proposed Wallaroo solar Installation will cover a 393-hectare site and will contain more than 260,000 solar panels, with the panels taking up more than 200 hectares of the space.
More information on the project is available at wallaroosolarfarm.com.au/