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Motor Bike Tracks

2 October 2008

Yass Valley Council has issued a press release in relation to motor bike tracks. We reproduce it here as a community service:

"The number of complaints relating to motor bike tracks within Council's jurisdiction is increasing at an alarming rate. Most of the complaints are made in relation to the noise and dust generated by the motor bikes, which disturb the rural ambience for neighbouring landholders.

Many people may not be aware that the construction of a dirt motor bike track, regardless of its location, requires development consent through Council. In the event that complaints arise from illegal developments of this nature, on-the-spot fines and Clean-UP notices can be issued, and Noise Abatement Directions can also apply to any offensive noise caused by the operation of dirt-bikes, regardless of the fact that the track may be on private land.

If you are contemplating the construction of any such track you are advised to contact Yass Valley Council before commencement. Anyone who has already built a track without development consent is urged to refrain from using the track and to seek further advice from Council

Wallaroo & Spring Range Residents Group formed »

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