Hall Reserve - fourth work day planting
28 March 2023

On Sunday, 26th March, the Hall Reserve community working bee planted 240 native pollinator and habitat plants into the newly created mulched garden beds. Volunteers from Hall were joined by others from around the ACT to finish the planting.
In February 2022, the Hall Progress Association began to plan the rehabilitation of the long-neglected Hall Reserve. The first working bee in June 2022 involved 35 Hall residents who did a mammoth job of clearing 20 years of weeds and dead shrubs. A second clear up followed in November 2022 and this February five areas were laid out with tons of mulch ready to be planted. We were very grateful for the rain during the previous week that assisted the planting.
Thanks to the volunteers who have done this work over the last nine months: Dianna Aston, Danny Clynk, Rob Collins, Rob Durie, Emily Flowers, Gregory Flowers, Dennis Greenwood, Jo Hall, Jodi Hamilton, Paula Harsant, Ken Heffernan, Julie Higginsbotham, Ray Hilhorst, Jim Kershaw, Jan Klaver, Ben Lane, Kat McGlip, Andree McMillan, Serah Melhuish, Brent Minion, Darrel Minion, Olga Minion, Margaret Monahan, Margaret Morris, Tony Morris, Leana N, Brent Newberry, Sandra Newberry, Steve O'Brien, Barbara Palmer, Jonathan Palmer, Bill Pearson, Sonny Pirotta, Andrew Purdam, Helen Purdam, Bob Richardson, Peter Toet, Mardie Troth, Helen White, Aaron Whittaker, Jenny Whittaker and Robert Yallop.
Also, thanks to the Ginninderra Catchment Group who provided the plants funded by ACT Government Nature in the City Grants - Urban Revegetation.
« Filming in Hall Saturday 25 February and Wednesday 1 March