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Boot Strap action on Victoria

17 October 2008

Our own community SWAT team continues to plant, mend, paint and clean around the village. Our photo shows Bob Richardson (left) with on-the-spot volunteers Shaun O'Connor and Graeme Watters, after replacing the hitching rail just beside the shop. Special thanks also to Greg Harris.

The fine new red gum posts and rail replace the cast concrete hitching rail that was erected by a previous crew of community volunteers - including Alan Monahan and Richard Munnings, who stopped by to watch the action.The crew plan to do some smoothing, to ensure that horses will find it hard to attract a splinter.

Just up the road a bit, the repair and painting of the fence out front of Elaine Leckey's home is almost finished. Elaine has been a staunch and hard-working member of the Progress Association committee for many years, and is currently our Treasurer. The Bootstrap Brigade thought this would be a nice way to thank Elaine for her contributions to the community.

Off the beaten track a bit, Bootstrap Brigade members have given The Cottage at the school a spring clean. The Association is hopeful of securing the Cottage as a Hall and District Neighbourhood Centre, and welcomes ideas from individuals or community groups about possible uses. Meanwhile there will be a morning tea at The Cottage for community seniors next Thursday at 10.30 am.

You want to be a Boot Strapper too?! Phone Bob on 0407 071 245.

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