Update on Hall Storm Water Infrastructure
29 August 2023

The Village of Hall and District Progress Association is very pleased to share the news that the 2023 – 2024 ACT Government Budget includes funding for the detailed design of stormwater improvements in Hall Village, although it has taken 18 months to reach this point with the ACT Government.
As you know, the wetter than usual conditions over the last three years, including severe and torrential rain, seriously exacerbated the chronic issue of inadequate and non-existent stormwater drainage infrastructure in Hall Village.
On 14 January 2022, the Progress Association wrote to the Minister for Transport Canberra and City Services, Chris Steel, requesting urgent attention to arrange for the relevant ACT government authority to undertake the assessment, design and completion of works on stormwater infrastructure and associated works in Hall Village. Following numerous representations to the Minister, substantial media coverage and very significant advocacy by Yerrabi MLAs Leanne Castley and James Milligan, in July 2022 TCCS engaged a consultant to undertake detailed analysis and provide mitigation options to improve stormwater drainage in Hall.
Following completion of an on-line survey in September last year by 65 Hall residents/ businesses and additional comments by 13 residents, the initially limited scope of the analysis was widened to include all of Hall Village.
The work of the consultant included detailed analysis of flood modelling, investigation and development of design options to the preliminary sketch plan stage. Unfortunately, to date, TCCS have not made the report public, although the Progress Association is continuing to request its publication.
Minister Steel has however said that the Hall community will be further engaged during the detailed design stage to ensure the best outcome for the Hall Village stormwater improvement works. The Progress Association will continue to advocate for transparency and engagement of the Hall community.
We are very grateful for the ongoing support of Yerrabi MLAs James Milligan and Leanne Castley in addressing the need for appropriate stormwater infrastructure in Hall.
Please do not hesitate to contact if you have any questions or would like further information.