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Clarrie Hermes Drive around the corner

10 January 2009

Active planning is under way for the construction of Clarrie Hermes Drive and its connection to the Barton HIghway at the existing Kuringa Drive intersection.

The resulting four way intersection will be a major intersection, on the scale of the similar 'William Slim' intersection two kilometres closer to Dickson. Apparently the precise nature of the new intersection is yet to be decided - traffic lights, roundabout, or overpass.

This development is of particular concern to the equestrian community, and users of the Bicentennial National Trail (BNT).

Beth Stone, Secretary of the ACT Equestrian Association, and others with an interest in the BNT attended a meeting recently with the contractors (Snowy Mountain Engineering Corporation (SMEC)). Beth advises us as follows:

"Christine Lawrence (President of ACT Equestrian Association), Jenny Costin (BNT Section Coordinator), and I had a useful meeting with various people from SMEC, ACT Planning and Land Authority, and Territory and Municipal Services roads on 12 December. As mentioned to you previously this meeting was arranged because of the imminent extension of Clarrie Hermes Drive to the Barton Hwy at Kuringa Drive.

We explained the route and purposes of the BNT and the particular importance of the crossing of the Barton Hwy to link the Gundaroo - Hall section with the Belconnen trails and the south.

There is no scope for an underpass. A roundabout and traffic lights for the Clarrie Hermes Drive - Kuringa Drive intersection at the Barton Hwy are both possible options. More traffic studies are being done.

We put the view that the present formally marked crossing is too far north, as it is at the 100kph area and the median is narrower than a little further south. We suggested that lights, possibly pedestrian (or horse rider) operated lights, would provide some safety; a roundabout would not be desirable. We also suggested line markings on roads can create hesitation in the horse, and that the vegetation on the corner of the Hwy and Kuringa Drive needs some thinning or pruning.

ACT Equestrian Association is to be kept informed as further design work is done. ACTEA is also planning to meet further with ACTPLA in the next few weeks to discuss trails in north Gungahlin.

Beth Stone
Secretary ACT Equestrian Association Inc."

Thanks Beth for this information. We will update this story as further developments occur.

Yass Valley Council - Community Consultation »

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