Draft Yass Valley Open Space Strategy (including Wallaroo & Spring Range)
2 March 2024

This Yass Valley Open Space Strategy sets out the rationale and recommendations for planning and provision of public open space to meet the needs of the Yass Valley community in its towns, villages and rural areas to 2036.
The strategy is available at:
Comments must be submitted before sunday 10 March to https://.
Proposals for Wallaroo include to investigate the suitability of retaining the two Council-owned public reserves adjoining the river (Lot 5 DP 701582 and Lot 13 DP 253616) for informal water-based recreation. If considered suitable for public reserves, improve wayfinding and formed road access, and embellish for fishing, picnics and camping.
Proposals for spring Range include to consider the small parcel of Council-owned land near the bus stop on Spring Range Road in Wallaroo as a meeting place for local residents for picnics, barbecues and social gatherings.