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Sheep Dogs here again!

28 February 2009

The annual National Sheep Dog Trials begin again in Hall on Tuesday March 10th, with the Final on the weekend of March 14 -15th.

As detailed in our 'events calendar' there will be a variety of activities for community members to join in - an art competition, a morning tea, a roast dinner, and a wine and cheese evening! All Hall and district people, friends and family are warmly welcome to attend. We hope to make all the Triallists and their families feel especially welcome to Hall.

If you have a bit of time, and would like to help with the smooth running of this very special national rural heritage event for an hour or two, some help is still needed to 'meet and greet' on the gate at the weekend. Additional helpers would also be welcomed during the week. If you have time and would like to get close up to the sheep dog action, please call Bob Richardson on 0407 071 245.

Congratulations and thanks to all the local folk who are assisting in some way with the Sheep Dog Trials.

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