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Wallaroo Solar Installation Approved by NSW Independent Planning Commission

11 September 2024

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has approved Wallaroo Solar Installation(SSD-9261283) subject to conditions.

This decision has been made following a process including hearing from the community and relevant subject matter experts, and considering the formal assessment conducted by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

The Commission has published a full Statement of Reasons for Decision which provides a detailed explanation of the determination. These are available at

You can view all information and documents related to this project through the Commission's website

Now that the application has been determined, the Commission has no further decision-making or oversight functions on this matter.

The Commission has imposed conditions of consent that require the applicant to undertake further steps and, in some cases, obtain other approvals. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is the agency that is primarily responsible for managing compliance for major projects:

Please be aware that the applicant or other people who have made a submission on this matter may be able to appeal the Commission's decision in the Land and Environment Court of NSW. In these circumstances, decisions on the appeal, Court process and application will be made by the Court.

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