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Villages in the ACT- a government strategy?

2 April 2009

The ACT Greens today issued a press release on their proposal for government to address the future of the ACT's villages. This is a welcome initiative, which will draw attention to some of the challenges and opportunities we face in the Hall and district community:

'ACT Greens Parliamentary Convenor, Meredith Hunter MLA, wants a strategic plan to promote and reinvigorate villages in the ACT.

"Villages have been under enormous pressure in recent times with the bushfires of 2003, the drought, school closures, road works and now the downturn in the economy," Ms Hunter said today.

"The time is right to develop a strategic plan, in consultation with the enthusiastic village community groups, to better link Canberrans with our local villages."

"Over the border we have seen success stories such as Bungendore and Murrumbateman come about from local and State Governments working with active residents and business owners."

"In the lead up to the 2013 Centenary of Canberra celebrations we should recognise the historical and cultural importance of villages such as Hall, Tharwa and Pialligo and the contribution they make to the character of the ACT."

"Today I will bring the viability of villages in the ACT into the Legislative Assembly as a Matter of Public Importance and I look forward to engaging with the other parties on this subject," Ms Hunter said.'

Villages viability debated »

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