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Yoga on Victoria

30 May 2009

Hi, my name is Justine and my partner Marcus and I have recently opened a yoga studio in Hall Village at 8 Victoria Street – directly opposite the Premier Store. I have a background as a personal trainer, but was drawn to yoga not only for the physical practice, but the benefits I experienced holistically – mind, body and spirit. Let me tell you a little about the main style of yoga we offer....

Power Yoga is a practice that has grown from Hatha Yoga which is over 5000 years old, and focuses on bringing balance to the body. Power Yoga is a free flowing 'vinyasa' style of yoga, where the element of heat is also used to warm the body, allowing the joints to move easily, and to encourage sweating, ridding the body of toxins.

Power Yoga is suited to anyone starting yoga for the first time. This ancient practice has been modernised to suit westerners bodies, as generally, we have much tighter hips than easterners. We teach with each individual's body alignment, and body awareness in mind. In short, Western exercise physiology has been blended with traditional Yoga to make it a safe practice for westerners.

As with all yoga, the aim is to find 'meditation on the mat' using breathing techniques linked with movement in a mindful, focused way. Over time, moving through the 'asana' (physical postures) becomes second nature, and this allows the student to access a calmer, quieter place within their mind, from where stress can be dissolved. This can all be achieved with minimum stress to old injuries, or joints through correct alignment suitable to the student's body's personal needs. During the practice, there is a focus on being compassionate towards your body, but also encouragement to move out of your 'comfort zone.'

This enables people of varying ability and age to be able to participate in the same class, choosing to work at whatever pace they feel is right for them.

Both myself and Marcus have trained with Duncan Peak – from Power Living in Neutral Bay, Sydney. As well as internationally acclaimed yoga teacher and author of 'Journey into Power' Baron Baptiste.

We also teach Yin Yoga (a slower, more restorative practice) and Kids Yoga.

Please don't hesitate to call with any questions about starting your yoga journey with us. Our contact number is 0428 247 547. Or check our website,


[thanks Justine for responding to our request - and good luck!]

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