Museum's special visitors
10 August 2009

Sixteen people braved the seriously cold weather to 'step back into the past' and visit the Laurie Copping Heritage Centre ( the Hall School Museum) on their way home from the last Hall Markets. Fortunately, it was nice and warm in the building which is full of memories.
A highlight was the visit by a descendent of the first schoolmaster Mr Charles Thompson through his son Kevin. Tony O'Sullivan is the son of Kevin's daughter. A photograph of Kevin and his sister, both taught by their father, is in the school.
Tony's son was particularly taken by the old school desks and slates and was very interested in hearing some of the stories about Mr Thompson, one of the remarkable teachers who taught so long ago, in the unique old Hall School.
We hope to be able to continue opening the Museum on Market Sundays.
[Thanks to Elizabeth Burness for this story, and for being in attendance at the Museum]