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President and Committee

2023 - 2024 Committee and Office Bearers

Office Bearers

Committee Members

Public Officer: Phil Robson

For Booking the Hall Showground Pavilion - see

Honorary Curator of the Hall Heritage Centre: Alastair Crombie
Editor, Rural Fringe: Jenny Whittaker
Foreman Hall Men's Shed: Doug Anstess
Website Administrator: Robert Yallop

Committee meetings

The Committee meets 8-9 times per year to progress the activities of the Association. Generally they are held on the third Wednesday of the month from 7pm in the Headmaster's Cottage on the Hall Primary School grounds. Committee meetings are currently committee members only meetings and attendance by non committee members of the VHDPA or the public is by invitation only. Please contact the Secretary for assistance if necessary. You can confirm timing of meetings and suggest agenda items by contacting . Minutes of Committee meetings can be found at

Rural Fringe

The Rural Fringe is the newsletter of Hall Village and District with six editions each year.

All residents, organisations and businesses in Hall Village and District are welcome to provide articles of news, events and items of interest for publication in the Rural Fringe.

Deadlines are generally 10 January, 10 March, 10 May, 10 July, 10 September and 10 November.

Send articles, photographs and advertisements to

Special interest groups of VHDPA

Friends of Hall Heritage Centre
[Honorary Curator: Alastair Crombie] Email:

Hall Men's Shed
[Foreman: Doug Anstess] Email:

Directories for your Community

For Booking the Hall Pavilion - see

Within the Hall Progress Association are sub-committees that deal with certain functions, issues and events. If you have a issue or topic you would like help with please contact the following Group:-

Controls all aspects of the Hall Pavilion

Community Services
Care of Hall infrastructure

Control of all Hall and district events

Planning and Development
ACTPLA liaison

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