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Hall and District 2019 News Archive
December 2019
- December Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
November 2019
October 2019
- Hall - bee friendly village? - The Progress Association has recently submitted a grant application, with the support of local MHR Andrew Leigh, to the Commonwealth's Communities Environment Program (CEP) to help create a 'Bee Friendly Hall Village'...
- October Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
August 2019
- August Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
July 2019
- Hall Brigade Captain receives award - Brigade Captain Tony Hazleton, recipient of the Brigade Person of the Year award. Flanked by ACT Rural Fire Service Chief Officer Joe Murphy and Hall Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade President Bill Henderson...
June 2019
May 2019
- Democracy Sausage Sizzle and Hall Park Upgrade - A reminder that all of the Hall and District including our ACT residents and our cousins in NSW can vote at the Hall Pavilion on Saturday...
- Federal Election 18 May 2019 - Further to the earlier news item - The Hall Pavilion in Gladstone St. will be the Polling Place for both the ACT residents of the electorate of Fenner and the NSW residents of the electorate of Eden Monaro for the forthcoming Federal election...
April 2019
- Upcoming Federal Election - For the information of all residents of the Hall area the Australian Electoral Commission will be using the HALL PAVILION as a POLLING STATION for the upcoming Federal Election on 18 May 2019...
- April Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
February 2019
- February Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
January 2019
- 'Painting with Parkinsons' – the Hall connection - Many readers will well remember long term village residents the Tingey family: In his 40s, Bob developed Parkinson's disease, so had to retire early from his work as a geologist (he died in November 2017 aged 77)...
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