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Hall and District 2022 News Archive
December 2022
- Christmas Carols in Hall - On 10 December, the churches of Hall village - St Francis Xavier, St Michael's and Wattle Park - in conjunction with the Village of Hall and Progress Association hosted a Christmas Carol evening in the Hall Pavilion...
- December Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
November 2022
- "Christmas Park" at Hall Showground - ACT Sport and Recreation have provided the Hall Showground and Polocrosse Parking area from 26 November to 30 December for a "Christmas Park" being organised by Robert Asdajic...
- Thank You to Volunteers at the Hall Reserve Work Day - Following the Work Day held in June that was an enormous success in removing weeds and dead shrubs from the Reserve, the Hall Progress Association arranged another Work Day on 20 November to remove the remaining green waste with some recent broken branches and clear/ mow/ whipper-snip the areas where the government mowers were unable to reach...
- Hall Christmas Fair Huge Success - The Christmas Fair held today in Hall Village was a huge success with hundreds of visitors coming to find a special present and experience the unique environment and attractions of Hall as a heritage village...
- Updated Information on Wallaroo Solar Installation - The Wallaroo Solar installation is a joint venture project being proposed by New Energy Development and Univergy International...
October 2022
- October Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
September 2022
- Strong Response to Storm Water Survey and Additional Comments - After seven months of advocacy with the ACT government by the Village of Hall and District Progress Association, Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) engaged a consultant to undertake a detailed flood analysis and provide mitigation options to improve stormwater conveyance and prevent gravel washout from the laneways at Hall Village...
- Progress Association Committee - 2022-2023 - At the Annual General Meeting of the Village of Hall and District Progress Association held on Wednesday 21 September 2022, as per the Rules of the Association, all positions of Committee Members and Office Bearers were declared vacant and a new Committee and Office Bearers were elected...
August 2022
- Survey Closing - Complete Today: ACT Government Survey on Storm Water, Flooding and Effects on Your Property - Please complete the survey today to share your experience of flooding issues and the impact on your property to inform the modelling and design options for storm water infrastructure in Hall Village by completing the survey from Transport Canberra and City Services at https://www...
- August 2022 Rural Fringe online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
- ACT Government Begins Storm Water Infrastructure Assessment - On 11 July, the Hall Progress Association received a response from Transport and City Services Minister Chris Steel to our letter of 22 April reiterating our request to arrange for the relevant ACT government authority to work with the Progress Association on the assessment, design and completion of appropriate works on residential storm water drainage infrastructure...
July 2022
June 2022
- Have Your Say about the Hall Reserve - Over the last six months, the Progress Association Committee has been preparing for a Village Work Day to begin clearing the unkempt state of the Hall Reserve where dead foliage and undergrowth presents a somewhat neglected landscape in the heart of the village...
- Environmental Consultation on Wallaroo Solar Farm to Close by 24 June - NGH environmental consultants are undertaking a social impact assessment (SIA) for the proposed Wallaroo Solar Farm development...
- June Rural Fringe Online - The latest issue of the Rural Fringe can be downloaded here. Enjoy the usual rich mix of stories about local people and happenings, a bit of history, the work of the Progress Association and other local organisations.
May 2022
April 2022
- Media and MLA Interest in Hall Storm Water - Following a lack of substantial response by the ACT government to the storm water issues in Hall, and months of work by the Progress Association with Yerrabi MLAs, Leanne Castley and James Milligan, representatives from WIN News and the RiotAct came to a joint media briefing in Hall today...
March 2022
February 2022
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