Large crowd for Remembrance Day
11 November 2009

The annual Remembrance Day Memorial Service, organised by the Rotary Club of Hall, was attended by approximately 130 people. The crowd included members of the Bush Fire Brigade, senior citizens, young families, and a strong representation of Rotary members.
The Service was again well supported by the Australian Army, and by the local churches.
After an introduction from Rotary President Adrienne Moss, the Remembrance Day address was given by the Commandant Australian Command and Staff College Brigadier Wayne Goodman, who spoke of the contributions made by Hall and district families to armed conflicts. A catafalque party was provided by the 5th Combat Engineer Regiment, and the Band of the Royal Military College Duntroon, provided the bugler.
Ministers from each of the three Hall churches (Uniting, Anglican and Catholic) attended and led those assembled in prayer.
The Ode of Remembrance was recited by PDG Len Goodman (father of Brig. Wayne Goodman) and at the end of the ceremony the Australian flag was raised from Half mast by Amy assisted by Annabell.
After the Service a large number of the participants adjourned to the Wood Duck Inn for an evening meal.