New facilities Launched
23 August 2010

Hall's new community facilities - the renovated Pavilion, the Cottage, sports court, and Mens Shed - were officially launched on Sunday afternoon by MLA for Ginninderra, Mary Porter AM. The Launch was announced with the George Gershwin tune 'Strike up the Band', which set the tone for an exciting afternoon.
Mary Porter reminded us of the fact that from 1910 or so through into the 1960's Kinlyside Hall (now Hall Attic) was the centre of village social life - the venue for dances, dinners, meetings, the picture theatre, church services, and more. The Pavilion had a makeover in 1970, after Kinlyside Hall had become an antiques shop, and has been the main community meeting and function venue ever since.
Following closure of the school in 2006 the government allocated $29 million to provide or refurbish community facilities at communities affected by school closure. The Progress Association has since then shamelessly sought to get as much as we could for Hall.
The re-surfaced tennis court has now become the main venue for tennis players, while The Cottage is home to the 'Broadband for Seniors' project, and has a range of other users, including the Rotary Club of Hall and the Progress Association. The double garage next door is now HQ for the Hall Mens Shed. The Pavilion is a vastly improved facility, having been almost totally renovated - walls, ceiling (including special acoustic panelling), wiring, new kitchen and toilets area, and installation of gas space and water heating.
Our photo shows Mary Porter MLA, Colin Fischer (Band Director) and Alastair Crombie in front of the Pavilion after the Concert.
Consistent with making it a high quality function venue, the Progress Association decided to dig into its reserves to spend around $10,000 on new tables and chairs. These will only be available to hirers by specific request, and will attract a small additional hire charge.