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Main Street business trio

20 August 2010

Three local businesses are jointly purchasing the house at 16 Victoria Street, and will be running their businesses from there. Ryan Capello (Capello Plumbing and Gas) and Pierre Dragh (Consulting Engineer) are relocating from their present offices at Victoria Square and Hall Village Court, and being joined by Tony Ward (hydraulics). Residents will be aware that this section of Victoria Street is zoned 'Commercial'.

The three have worked with one another previously, and this may increase, but they will continue to operate independently. The three businesses will bring a certain amount of client traffic to Victoria Street, and have around twenty four staff in total – most of them working for Capello's. Pierre Dragh has a fair bit of business from Murrumbateman and Yass, where there is no other consulting engineer, while Ryan Capello lives in Murrumbateman with his young family, so is also well known in that district.

Ironically, on the day of putting this item together, the open drain alongside their building in Loftus Street was brimming, and threatening to flood the place!

We warmly welcome the business trio to 'main street' and wish them a long and happy association with the village.

Our photo shows Tony and Ryan outside their new home.

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